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🚀 Code jump

The Code Jump feature allows testers to link a text snippet directly to an HTML element on the website, creating a hyperlink that points to the respective place in the codebase. This feature is incredibly useful for both testers and developers, facilitating easier reference and navigation.

Key Features

  • Direct Linking: Link text snippets to specific HTML elements on the website.
  • Hyperlinks to Codebase: Create hyperlinks that developers can click to jump directly to the relevant code.
  • Simplified UI Breakdown: Break down complex UIs into easy-to-understand and easy-to-follow text.

How to Use Code Jump

  1. Select Text Snippet:

    • Highlight the text snippet in your report or documentation that you want to link to an HTML element.
  2. Link to HTML Element:

    • Use the Code Jump tool to select the HTML element on the webpage that corresponds to your text snippet.
    • To help the selection process, each element is highlighted while being hovered on.
  3. Create Hyperlink:

    • With one single click, the tool will generate a hyperlink that points directly to the location in the codebase where the HTML element is defined.


  • Ease of Reference: Testers can refer to specific elements on the website more easily. This will allow for a clearer communication and avoid misunderstandings.
  • Time-Saving for Developers: Developers can save time by directly jumping to the relevant code, eliminating the need to search for elements manually.
  • Improved Communication: Enhances the clarity and precision of bug reports and documentation, making reports based on complex UIs easier to understand and follow.


The Code Jump feature streamlines the process of referencing specific HTML elements in bug reports and documentation. By creating direct links to the codebase, it saves developers time and enhances the clarity and efficiency of communication between testers and developers.