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Who Is It For

Our tool is designed for small to mid-sized teams that include a QA team or testers responsible for providing feedback during website development.

No more

tedious screen captures and unclear reproduction steps


focus on the desired outcome and let the tool do the rest

Target Audience


Implement the tool into your workflow to receive precisely reported bugs enriched with helpful features like the code jump tool.

QA Testers

Use the tool to create new issues, providing all the necessary information for developers to quickly and efficiently fix bugs.

Ideal For

  • Small to Mid-Sized Teams: Perfect for teams that need to streamline their QA process and improve communication between testers and developers.
  • QA Teams or Testers: Tailored for teams with dedicated QA personnel or testers who provide feedback on web development projects.

Supported Technologies

You can add and use the QA toolbar on any website. Note however, that the Code Jump™ feature supports the following frameworks:

  • Next.js
  • React
  • Vite
  • Vue
  • Create React App

More will follow in the future!

Additionally, it integrates seamlessly with the following issue tracker:

  • Jira

Payment Information

For detailed information regarding payment, please visit our landing page.


Our tool enhances collaboration between QA testers and developers, making it easier to report and fix bugs. By providing comprehensive bug reports and powerful debugging tools, QA testers can ensure developers have all the information they need. The code jump tool further helps developers by pinpointing the exact location of the problem in the codebase.

We aim to empower QA teams to provide better feedback and assist developers in becoming more efficient. We believe in delivering an exceptional development experience, and we ensure that none of your data is stored on our systems. Your data stays within your ecosystem, maintaining privacy and security.

Additionally, QA testers never need to leave your website; they can create new issues directly from your own website, streamlining the feedback process even further.

If your company uses one of the supported frameworks and issue trackers, our tool is the perfect addition to your development process, helping you build faster and ship earlier with higher quality.